Feb 05, 2010 13:20
Okay, a quick list and back to playing with my baby and husband (who are currently listening to "Misirlou" together upstairs).
Wonderful things I've experienced over the past few weeks:
-Restful sleep as Sadie nurses at night (joy to the 'side-lying' position recommended by La Leche League)
-A good morning smile from Sadie this morning
-General calm when I started reading Secrets of the Baby Whisperer
-The shift from crying to incredibly well-communicated grunts, squeals, squeaks and yelps from my daughter (most of which I actually understand!!)
-Family snuggle time in the evening
-A peaceful outing to the Moxie where Sadie only fussed once and was easily soothed by sucking my finger
-Ollie's amazing commitment to obedience while showing affection for Sadie (it's too freaking cute)
-Sadie's hilariously cute wildchild fits when she's hungry (complete with piggy snorts and grunts)
-An easy and immediate return to therapeutic blood levels
-Costco's amazing money-saving bulk-selling ways
There have been other things and there have definitely been some rough days, but we're getting somewhere. Sadie's showing more personality every day. She's active, curious, and downright funny at times. I spent the first two weeks wondering when she'd cross the line from incommunicable fetus to little person and thank goodness we're finally moving that direction. Anyway, time for burritos and we're almost overdue for Sadie the Hungry to visit. More later!