I don't think the book SUCKED completely. But it was my least favorite in the series- it was meh but still had some good moments in it.
I might be in the minority here.. But I read the books for Sookie's character. CH's writing might be just alright but I love the character she's created. I like reading about Sookie's day to day activities and thoughts. She's smart and very very positive. I actually become HAPPY reading about those things as weird as it may seem. I love Eric and Pam just as much but Sookie is my fav!
So one of the things that bugged me so bad was the Sookie was a bitch in this book. She either wanted everyone dead or was really harsh and rude. Yelling and talking down to people at time. VERY...VERRRRRY out of character.
What I hate about TV!Sookie finally translated in the book and for the first time I pictured ANNAs face when I was reading it. :( I hate TV!Sookie's personality LOL So I really hated this about the book.
I think that's why this book lost it's charm.
The whole story line could have been better IMHO. The Eric/Sookie relationship could have been written better into the books if she added in more sexual tension maybe them holding off on sex until the last chapter. Having them establish a more emotional connection so the readers can actually CARE about their relationship succeeding. Hopefully we can see that in the next book or CH will kill Eric off and Sookie will end up with Sam. lol