Aw yeah.

Mar 22, 2016 10:27

So last week I learned that having your car rear-ended would suck but also yield good things. My Allstate people were always available and patient with me. The repair shop holding my car made me feel at home while I was stranded there. The cop printing out my crash report assured me I wouldn't be liable and complimented my Little Mermaid lunchbox while I was sitting there blotting my tears. lmao My mom and half my coworkers have given me rides. Linda even gave me a ride at 8:30am on her day off and arrived in her car in polka-dot pajamas. *tchchchchch* I should probably bring donuts or cookies or something. (When I switch jobs I'm going to miss everyone. It's too bad they can't all come work with me somewhere else. lol)

Oh, the other great thing about it: I've got a fancy rental car that's covered by my insurance while my car is being assessed at the repair shop, but initially Enterprise was flaking on me, so my boss didn't schedule me for work for a few days so I wouldn't have to worry about getting to work, so I'm enjoying four days off in a row, which is all going towards writing and playing catch up with my March goals. I am NOT taking this for granted! In between all the adulting I've had to do, my eyes have been glued to the screen, fingers a'tappin!

I find it unlikely that in nine days I'll have all 12 chapters of draft two sitting around for feedback, but I'm just elated that the giant, confusing mess known as chapter 10 is actually making sense now, and only needs 3-4 more scenes before it's done. Chapters 11 and 12 actually already have a few pages because there were things I felt like writing ahead of time. It's unlikely, but it's actually not impossible to finish all this.

Once it's finished, I may take a break, I may not. The third arc (there are four arcs) also has plot notes, although most of that is just streamlining of material that's already in the first draft. This is the point in the story where the first draft mostly works, just isn't written very well or has some awkward stuff I could remove. If I recall, L & E also had a few meaningless conversations in the 30's chapters, which I could never imagine them having now that they're more developed.

Oh, and let us not forget the REWRITE of rewrites that must happen, once my editor's circle has criticism for draft two! oyyy! I actually began a third draft of chapter one the other day, on a whim, and I understood completely why R and A thought my presentation of events was too jumpy. The first few chapters don't have A Midsummer Night's Dream in it either, so I even just sent them to savoreachsense with Lily talking about Vivian and then suddenly switching to Mustardseed and digging for fairy wings with Mariam in the costume closet.

By the way, can I just say thank you, even if you're not reading this, Kate. ↑ Despite everything, she wanted to be one of the editors and said nice things that made me blush last night. If any of y'all have went through the (friends-locked) final chapters of draft one, she was there leaving awesome feedback.

Anyhoo! I have run out of Sierra material unfortunately, but I'm in love with Charles Dance again. I read more Leroux and always giggle at his description of Raoul, I discovered that Phantom on a Budget is on tumblr, and I might see about joining the Phandom, particularly the Leroux side of the Phandom. I can't relate to the solely ALW fanatics, or the Rierra nuts, or the Gerik children (I say children because they really are all stupid children who think Gerard Butler is legit), or the Susan Kay "nope, Erik was never abusive, Christine should have chose him" revisionists. Screw that noise. I want to be friends with adults whose heads aren't below the actual source material. Does that sound elitist of me? Oh well.

See ya!


he's there, draft two, phandom, phans vs. "phans"

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