May 12, 2009 22:47
male chauvinist
a male who patronizes, disparages, or otherwise denigrates females in the belief that they are inferior to males and thus deserving of less than equal treatment or benefit.
I am a woman, not a girl
I have the same eyes, I see the same world
I am a woman, not a girl
I have breasts, I have curves
I am a woman, not a girl
I have intelligence, I have confidence
I am a woman, not a man
They preach subservience, to fall before their hand
I am a woman, not a man
They proclaim superiority, crave to control
I am a woman, not a man
They say I have no ability; I cannot do what they can
I am a woman, not a man
I am a woman, not a girl
I have aspirations, I have strengths
I am a woman, not a girl
I have to think before I act, I stop before I do
I am a woman, not a girl
I have cares, I have worries
I am a woman, not a man
Fated to be slighted for what I am
I am a woman, not a man
Meant to bear children and keep a house
I am a woman, not a man
I do not have a right to think or be
I am a woman, not a man
I must sit behind, never stand
I am a woman, not a man
I have the right to do and be what I am
I am a woman, not a man
And I can do every fucking thing they can.