Mar 11, 2003 01:12
I went to fiddle group tonight for the first time in over a month and a half ( I play the fiddle in a group that plays ceilidh/ Irish/ Scottish tunes ~ It's a lot of fun ). I notice that I start to swear persistently when I haven't played for awhile, which is no big deal I suppose, except that a couple in the group brings their toddler son with them to the get-togethers. :|! I must watch the truckdriver mouth anyway ~ surely my vocabulary is larger than that.! :D Nathan-of-the-Six-Words and I checked outt he Hibernian last weekend ~ I'm scopin' the scene, trying to see where the best place would be to play next. I was disappointed at how TINY the place was :| It has lots of ambiance, but MAN! is it small. *sigh*
I've REALLY been in the mood to go to the art museum lately. Rio and I used to go all the time when we lived in Raleigh ~ something so nice and calming about the place. I love to go and just stare at the paintings for awhile. I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to get lost in paintings ~ they just pull me in. I wish I were capable of painting ~ I might have to try it sometime. :)