(Or; LadyB has lost her damn fool mind.)
We are desperately in need of people willing to offer up their seriously amazing skills for charity!!
More information at the comm here!
fandom_helps We could use really use your help. This round of the charity is to benefit Planned Parenthood so come lend a hand! :)
I have been stuck in a bit of a writing slump lately, wherein I think about writing and then sit down and watch another episode of Buffy instead. *ahem* Additionally, this is an organization that does a lot of good and is in some rather serious peril right now, but recent life events have left me extremely lacking in money to be able to donate. So, in an attempt to get me back in the writing groove and help a worthy cause at the same time, I have decided to offer myself up as a fic whore! (
1lostone, I would blame you entirely for this, but the truth is it's a cause I really believe in, so I suppose it's not all your fault.)
Bidding starts on February 14th and ends on the 21st. You can find the details of my offer
here. This is your chance to get some shiny fic of your very own, AND get to boss me around in the meantime! Fun for everyone!