Daffodil Time, Epilogue

Oct 02, 2011 02:11

Title: Daffodil Time
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the ivy crown, fic post, star trek, angst, spock/kirk, complete, slash

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Comments 91

ninjaboots October 2 2011, 07:21:09 UTC

I am commenting here just to say that now you have no choice but to start writing the next one. I'll just be over here, waiting for the shouting to die down and eyeing you MEANINGFULLY.


ladyblahblah October 2 2011, 07:38:10 UTC
Hey now, there might not be that much shouting . . . um . . .

*hides again*


elfsausage October 2 2011, 10:07:44 UTC
Noooooooooooooo!!!!! My wail of agony has made all the neighbourhood dogs howl!

So how much begging, coercing, blackmailing, tempting, bribing and general encouraging do we have to do to get the next part NOW?! You can't leave us hanging there, you cruel, cruel author you! How about if I make cookies? :-D


ladyblahblah January 13 2012, 19:43:41 UTC
I'm sorry, bb! I am a mean, mean author. :lol: Even meaner to leave you waiting this long. But! The first chapter of the sequel is now up! I hope you enjoy it. ^_^


the_archandroid October 2 2011, 11:28:59 UTC
oh man...you threw in Gol?! upping the stakes exponentially here...I was hoping that spock, no matter the universe no matter the situation decides to enlist in starfleet because it is what he wants, but on the other hand i can see how the severity of this emotional heartbreak could lead him to seriously contemplate gol....

I hope we get to see the second arc of this sometime soon.... i hate for these boys to be apart.


ladyblahblah January 16 2012, 05:25:56 UTC
Now, ah, technically the movie threw in Gol? O.O Not my fault! I, um. Yeah.


Never fear, though! You'll find out about Spock and Starfleet soon enough. ^_~ More to come soon! (Or at least, soonish.)


neth_dugan October 2 2011, 12:28:38 UTC
This is.... omg. Spock and Jim, what will you do? I admit, I've usually assumed that if already bonded it wouldn't matter if their mate was male but that is an interesting wrench in the cogs.

As great as always, and as always leaves me wanting more.


ladyblahblah January 16 2012, 05:43:10 UTC
Now, see, this is the problem with keeping all of your mating business secretive and only talking about it when you absolutely have to. MORE TRANSPARENCY IN VULCAN CULTURE! *pickets*

The bottom line being: who knows? But Spock wasn't willing to take that chance, which is understandable. We all saw how he was in Amok Time; how much worse would it be if he ended up hurting Jim when he could've stopped any of it from happening.

Thanks so much for reading, bb! Hope you enjoy the next part as much. ^_^


sandyk199 October 2 2011, 14:51:52 UTC
*perks up* Did someone say SEQUEL!

My god woman, you're tearing my heart out here ... this is killing me, but in the best possible way. Your writing style is just gorgeous, and I'll be here waiting *meaningful look* for the next installment. I'm sure Ninjaboots will keep me company.

Ooh, and are you still working on Prophecy of Apollo? I don't want to pressure you but ... *wibbles*


ladyblahblah January 16 2012, 05:59:19 UTC
I DID say sequel! The first part of which is up now, if you were interested. *ahem*

I'm not actively working on PoA, but it's not abandoned, either. My muse has just gotten focused on this particular incarnation of the boys. :lol: Never fear, I will return to it!


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