I'm taking a short break from working on the next part of The Ivy Crown because I suddenly felt the burning need to show you guys what the full-screen setting on Scrivener looks like for it. See, I realized pretty early on that you could set a custom background for it, and then today INSPIRATION STRUCK.
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I don't think the beta version allows for background layout which is sad but I'm glad it works for you because that is some inspiring artwork and I'd write kidfic all day long if I had that to look at! O.O
Update: I am totally in love with this program! I just laid out my entire Mpreg series and it is a beautiful thing. Everything is clearly defined, what is done, what needs doing. I am definitely buying this come June! ♥'s it hard!
I can't even. This is too incredible. I want to lick this program. It is fucking AMAZEBALLS!!!
And I just went to see what the project goals things was all about...JFC! It just keeps getting better and better! I love you for your flailing, fan-girling post about Scrivener because I needed this in my life. I may just get the first chapter of my BB done this weekend. ♥'s you and your fangasms!
My friend who bought it for me said that as soon as she heard about it she knew that it was something that was made for me. Then she showed it to me, and I think I literally started drooling. XD I genuinely believe that all writers--creative, technical, academic, anything--need this program. It is pretty much a perfect storm of awesome. -_-
I am completely jealous of your Mac and your fully-functioning version of Scrivener. Of course Windows is behind Mac by years! *pouts*
And I just wrote up my own 'Ode to Scrivener' post. <3
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