I'm taking a short break from working on the next part of The Ivy Crown because I suddenly felt the burning need to show you guys what the full-screen setting on Scrivener looks like for it. See, I realized pretty early on that you could set a custom background for it, and then today INSPIRATION STRUCK.
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--The ongoing word count. It keeps a running count for you at the bottom of the screen, and unlike almost every other program's wordcount feature it only counts the words. None of this em-dash or ellipses nonsense.
--Being able to collect all of my research, character info, setting info, etc. all in one place. It also lets you load web pages in, which is SORT OF AMAZING, especially for something like 'Prophecy' where about half of the background details come from browsing through Memory Alpha and Starbase118. XD
--You can divide your document into several different parts and have them automatically compile at the end. This way you can keep chapters separate and not have to scroll through an entire huge document trying to find something, without having to make new documents for every chapter.
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