Daffodil Time, Part 12/17

Apr 18, 2011 00:43

Title: Daffodil Time
Author: ladyblahblah 
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot . . . ish
Pairing: Spock/Kirk
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nothing.  The title is from a William Carlos William poem.  I can't even take full credit for the idea, and all of the adorable can be traced directly to momo_girlie and her painfully cute drawings.  *fangirl flail*
Summary: Vague A/U.  What would have ( Read more... )

the ivy crown, fic post, star trek, spock/kirk, complete, slash

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Comments 53

margarks April 18 2011, 06:22:52 UTC
Oh boys! This is so sweet, but leaves me dreading some future sadness. I love Spock's POV and the way he has to understand before he consents to be "boyfriends" :) hee!

I also lovelovelove that he carries around Ta'an and compares Jim's expression to her :) yay! Sweet chapter, as always!


ladyblahblah April 18 2011, 06:36:24 UTC
Heeeee, thanks! ^_^ Spock is nobody's fool; he's not just going to agree to something without knowing what it is first. -_- (Also, it's possible that I he just likes making Jim squirm. o.o)

I can't remember where I first came across the trope of Spock being fascinated by aquariums and fish because of growing up on a desert planet, and I'm not sure exactly how much of it is influence by The Voyage Home, but it's definitely a part of my headcanon. And here's a fish of his very own! He doesn't want to stop watching her. SERIOUSLY, BB!SPOCK, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE ALL THE CUTE?


Everybody hates a nitpicker calimora April 18 2011, 16:16:08 UTC
But... If the fish is the one in the picture it's a male.

Only the male beta splenda have the bright coloring and fin configuration. The females look like borring little grey guppies.


Re: Everybody hates a nitpicker ladyblahblah April 18 2011, 16:33:57 UTC
Yeah, I know it's the males that are pretty, but a) according to what I read online there has been some success lately in breeding more color into females, and b) it is a fish FROM THE FUTURE. Therefore I get to make up all sorts of genetic advances. ^_~


alpha_hydra April 18 2011, 06:39:21 UTC
Yay! Little Spock and Little Jim have finally figured out that they're meant to be together!!! Sort of. I'm getting foreshadow-y feelings from Amanda at the end, and also the way Spock's thinking that he and Jim won't have a long-term relationship (oh spock, your obtuseness is so adorable ♥ )

It always feels like I've won the lottery when you update, and with all the sweetness crammed into this fic, it's a wonder I'm not dancing around my bedroom from sheer glee! :D


ladyblahblah April 18 2011, 17:39:14 UTC
Awwww, thanks, bb! ^_^

oh spock, your obtuseness is so adorable ♥

ISN'T IT JUST? X3 I had way too much fun writing him in this bit. Tooooo cuuuuuuute!


alpha_hydra April 18 2011, 21:22:20 UTC
bbSpock is toooooo cuuuuuuute by default though! :D I mean he could go out and I dunno, do his laundry and it would be the cutest thing in the history of the universe, I think XD

Also, I have ridiculously specific au-kidfic-head-canon where bbJim and bbSpock are each other's first and only everything and have a disgustingly fluffy life and gossip about everyone else's relationship problems; everyone kind of hates them and secretly are wishing for a terrible messy break up that never happens....

Yeah, I have a feeling that this very much isn't what's going to happen in the chapters to come, seeing as how Spock doesn't realize that him and Jim are MEANT to be together. I'm expecting all sorts of ANGSTS and HEARTBREAK from now until they are older and really understand. I find it vaguely disturbing that I'm so excited about vicariously getting my heart broken, maybe I'm a closet masochist? :D


ladyblahblah April 18 2011, 21:56:47 UTC

... )


(The comment has been removed)

ladyblahblah April 18 2011, 17:43:49 UTC
Yeah, the idea of Jim suddenly realizing that he's been accidentally molesting his friend all this time had be collapsing into giggle fits while I was writing it. XD I'm glad you liked this, bb!


ell_wren April 18 2011, 06:47:28 UTC
Boyfriends. Adorable!

I love how perfectly you captured the thrilling excitement/anticipation/apprehension/insecurity of those tentative first steps of new love.


ladyblahblah April 18 2011, 17:44:48 UTC
Heeee, thanks! ^_^ This bit was so ridiculously fun to write. Love love love love for the boys trying to feel their way into a new kind of relationship.


kuhekabir April 18 2011, 07:58:11 UTC
How cute! I loved it :) And something tells me that Jim isn't think short term here!


ladyblahblah April 18 2011, 17:45:05 UTC
Hee, thanks! ^_^ Glad you enjoyed it!


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