So, some of you stopped by my last post to share your own stories and talk about things that, I swear, could have been pulled right from my own head. In addition to giving me that warm fuzzy feeling that comes when you know you're not alone (ILU guys, seriously <3) it made me realize that the more places people have to talk about those things the better. With that in mind, I've taken a deep breath and screwed my courage to the sticking place and all that, and started my own blog,
Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others. Stop by if you'd like, check out my one post I have up and the fabulousness of a prepackaged Blogger template. XD (Anyone around here know how to spiffify a blog? Yes, spiffify. Shush.) You'll also be able to see an actual picture of me YE GODS HAS THE WORLD GONE MAD?!
I heartily encourage any of you to come, hang out, leave a comment, raise an issue. Don't know yet if it's going to be a collaborative deal or just me, but either way I want to know what you have to say. (Unless what you have to say is trolling, in which case I shall use my god-like administrative powers to smite thee. Mwahahahaha!)
And that's the last I'll be talking about any of that here (probably). To wrap things up, let's head back to fandom for a moment, shall we? I've realized I might have to start watching Stargate: Universe as it has not one but TWO of my celebrity crushes in it.
Eeeeeeeee, they're even occupying the same spot on either side of the Epic Line Shot! IT IS LIKE DESTINY!