If I ever have a band, I think I may have to name it Random Fandom. Because it rhymes, and that pleases me.
Journaly business!
I'm realizing that I haven't updated my masterlist in, oh, approximately forever. Clearly this is something that I need to do . . . um, later. o.o It got me thinking, though, about things like tags and fic groupings and the like, and so I give you: a journal organization poll!
Poll Journal Organization All right, now that that's all taken care of, it's time to move on to some canon/fanon/fandom discussion. Hooray!
I was reading through a transcript of the commentary track for "A Study in Pink" (I don't have the DVDs yet; don't judge) and I came across something interesting. Apparently, when discussing what they wanted to include in Sherlock, canon-wise, Moffat and Gatiss decided that they were considering everything as canon. The books, the movies, the various TV and radio shows; everything. So I'm wondering: when it comes to the fandoms you enjoy (particularly ones for which you read and/or write fic), what do you consider canon?
No, wait, wait, I know what we need. ANOTHER POLL!
Poll Canon in Fandom--An Introspective