Because I HAVE THINGS TO ACCOMPLISH! And because I like lists. ^_^ In theoretical order:
- write overdue genre drabbles
- write final part of Teach Me Tonight
- write finish next chapter of The Ivy Crown
- write next chapter of Like A False Mirror
- start the trek_hc table challenge (if I can manage 10 drabbles a week I can finish it in just over two months)
- start as-yet-unnamed Academy fic
- actually come up with a name for said fic, preferably before anything gets typed
- find actual working DVD-ripping software and make some vids
- watch more Trek (ongoing)
- ummmmmmmm, almost certainly some other stuff that I'm forgetting at the moment
Hmm. Perhaps will start on this list tonight. Perhaps will get distracted by fic. ONLY TIME WILL TELL!