forbiddenromanc asked for Pinto drabbles. I was gonna work on them tomorrow, but then my cat had a spaz attack and didn't want to let me sleep, so here they are. Huzzah for hyperactive pets? Please forgive any missteps; this is my very first time writing this pairing. Meep.
Mmmmmm, Pinto . . . )
“The two most beautiful words in the English language: on location.”
“I’m partial to harder, Zach, myself.”
Heh :-)
Angst - ouch :-(
Fantasy, um, sounds a LOT like a fic i'm working on RIGHT NOW
Parody is a fic that SOOOOO needs to be written
Ahhhh, the last one too!
So yeah, these are all amazing. Confession: I haven't read any of your other drabble thingies, but i'm going to go back and do so now because you are obviously the drabble queen! :-D
Fantasy, um, sounds a LOT like a fic i'm working on RIGHT NOW
:o OMG I'M FANFIC PSYCHIC! (BTW, it makes me very, VERY happy that you're writing something like this. VERY.)
Thanks again! I'm so glad you liked them. ^_^
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