I'm Geeking Out! <3

Jun 08, 2011 01:03

Ahh, the wonderness of my geeky life.

Here is what I've been up to (beyond work and family and boyfriend time (which can sometimes be geek time too ;) )


Erin, Christie and I went to see the Glee Live! 2011 concert last Friday and it was AMAZING! So much fun, so exciting! The show was very high energy and the cast/crew had that whirlwind of glitz, glam and music down to a T. When the Warblers came out on stage (weeeee, right across from our AMAZING seats), I think we all lost our minds. The screaming increased - it must be the uniforms. ILU Darren Criss.

Yes, I've been listening to the Warblers CD in my non-stop since the concert.

Merch was too expensive, but I did get a foam L finger! :D

I took...over 200 pics. I posted some on my facebook: Gleek Out!

Doctor Who!

So much Doctor Who lately.! I've been randomly rewatching some of Series 5 with my brother while he gets caught up, as well as catching up completely on the current series. NO SPOILERS OR ANYTHING, but I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED the Neil Gaiman episode. It was funny, exciting and deliciously Neil. Yum! :)

I just got this shirt in the mail yesterday, and I love it. So cooot! Doctor Owls!

Doctor Hoo

I'd seen the picture like a year or more ago on DeviantArt and it even was my desktop for a while. Now it's my t-shirt. I love Threadless!

I think I had more geeky topics to ramble about, but I got distracted by the Threadless site. :D
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