What are friends for? SG-1 fic (G)

Sep 21, 2007 01:42

Earlier today xfirefly9x said and I quote,

BTW, have you read any fics before about the times Cam and the rest of SG-1 spent talking to the empty room, when they believed Sam was still there and could hear them??? I was hoping to find some...else I may have to write some myself. =)

I admitted that yes I had written one but after some hours of searching I was unable to find it.

So I wrote another one.

This is pure G rated Team fic
Set during those two weeks Sam was "gone" but they thought she was there, just stuck.

After the initial insanity of trying to get her back, the team made a pact to talk to Sam while she was "stuck", thinking to keep her company. It had it's moments as the silent testament of the security camera's showed.

Day One.

Vala stopped by about lunch time with a tray. She knew that Sam couldn't eat as such so she ended up nibbling all the items while she burbled about how Dr Lee was going trying to sort out the way to get her back. She even brought blue jello and ate it.

Day Two.

Teal'c came by, very late that night. Vala had insisted that Sam wouldn't be sleeping that early and so he brought some candles and a pillow, intending to kel-no-reem. He "talked to Sam" for some forty five minutes first, telling her of the planet they had visited that day in their search for Daniel. This would become an almost nightly ritual.

Day Three.

Cam stopped in mid afternoon after Carolyn Lam let him out of the infirmary. The planet that Teal'c had talked about had left it's mark on him but for Sam he played it down. No sense in making yourself out to be the hero if she can't do anything about it just yet now is there?

Day Four.

Dr Lee and Vala played battleships for several hours, all the while entertaining Sam about how predictable Dr Lee was at the game. Vala beat him twenty two nil.

Day Five.

General Landry stopped by for a few minutes, almost embarrassed to be talking to the empty air but his tone of voice was very much "we miss you". Later that day Sgt Siler was seen to have been there for several of his off duty hours, with one of Sam's technical journals under his arm. He hadn't wanted her to fall behind on her reading.

Day Six.

Cam wandered in early afternoon with a small TV set and popcorn and sat to watch a game with her. Well he watched and commentated and ate popcorn, though he hoped Sam enjoyed the game.

Day Seven.

Teal'c stopped by in the morning to tell Sam that he'd not be in for a couple of nights as he was making a trip to see Bra'tac looking for more information about Daniel's possible whereabouts. He did hope she would understand that he could not kel-no-reem with her and wished her well in trying to return to them.

Day Eight.

Carolyn and Vala came by with a selection of women's magazines and bantered back and forth, including Sam in the assessment of the men found within. They started with Cosmo and worked their way to Playgirl. Vala was sure Sam approved of the pin up but Carolyn thought Cam had better abs.

Day Nine.

Walter brought in a trolley laden with his day's paperwork and sat there, just telling her what he was doing and what was going on all over the base for the entire day. He'd seen SG-1 doing the 'keep Sam company' thing and just wanted to help.

Day Ten.

Vala spent a few hours trying not to cry. She knew Sam would understand that she really did miss Daniel and she felt the afternoon slide by in companionable silence til Teal'c showed up to kel-no-reem with Sam that night. Oddly Vala stayed too.

Day Eleven.

Dr Lee dragged in a large amount of complicated looking equipment and spent most of the day hooking it all up, positive it would bring Sam back. It didn't. It did however nearly catch fire.

Day Twelve.

Cam brought in Sam's technical journal today, reading those because Siler was busy. Mind you he didn't understand half of it and kept wanting to change to a football magazine or something but his concience kept him at it to the bitter end. After that he went and got a meal, coming back to eat with Sam, telling her about the Ori push they'd encountered the previous day.

Day Thirteen.

The small room was a veritable hive of activity. Dr Lee had another brain wave (it failed) and it seemed just about everyone had something to keep Sam up to date with.

Day Fourteen.

Sam reappeared in a flare of light, almost scaring Dr Lee out of his socks when she spoke. Later when the rest of the team tried to explain how they'd "kept her company" she got the idea that maybe they had slightly oversimplified things a touch. But that was ok too, friends don't need all the details. Not when they could go commandeer the security footage.

sam, sg1, team

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