The things you bring home

Aug 15, 2007 03:46

Another missing fic

season 10 most likely
pairing Cam/Sam
rating PG (hint of UST)

Every year, you know it happens, there's a small migration of an animal that nobody will admit exists. It's called a Yowie and it lives in Australia. What isn't known is that there's a relative a cousin if you will to the Yowie and it lives on an unknown planet far out in the reaches of space.

The gate deposited the partial team here on planet PX3-499 then closed behind them. The team, consisting of Sam, Cam and a pair of marines knew the gate was a one way only sort of thing but it would open every 6 hours and a signal would sound. This planet had been explored (somewhat) before and had been found to be rich in sources of a few assorted plants that made several medical breakthru's possible. But they learned two things right up front.

One, this planet was a one way street. The dial out was broken beyond repair and it had only been luck and a slightly panicked Jack O'Neill that had them back at SGC and alive after the first trip. And two, this world had some sort of sentience about it, as it knew when more than a few people came thru the gate. This was Sam's new theory. Go thru the gate in small numbers and in pairs and the planet wouldn't pick them up. It was protecting it's chosen she had theorised. Cam had to admit this was the first trip they'd made where they weren't met at the gate within a minute by a strict schoolmarmish telepathic behemoth that looked like the Yeti on steroids.

Sam glanced over at Cam and signaled the marines, male and female as she'd requested, to stay here at the gate and then glanced at the forest ahead.

"We go in we get more samples we come back to the gate and we leave. How hard can it be?"

She shook her head sightly at Cam's words.

"You don't say things like that Cam. It tempts fate. I hate tempting fate."

Cam grinned and started walking towards the forest, a duffle filled with small sample cases slung over his shoulder and a little jauntiness to his step. He liked the idea of being alone with Sam. Lately it seemed to him there was this spark of something beginning and much as he knew it was against the frat regs, he was far far too falling for her to stop it.

From behind Cam Sam couldn't be seen grinning or giving his ass an appreciative look. She knew it wasn't a good idea but with Jack having told her no this many times, her frustration levels were at an all time high it seemed and lets face it Cam had a nice ass. Well worth every glance she was giving it as they walked into the forest towards a pre-mapped out clearing.

About 5 hours 45 minutes later

The gate opened at SGC and the team coming thru carrying the filled to the brim duffles all had smiles on their faces. Marines came up to take the bags and the two men and two women went off with the intention to debrief, shower, change and relax. They hadn't even left the gateroom when a siren sounded.

"Offworld activation"

The gateroom door opened and before anyone could react Daniel came running back in carrying two small fluffy creatures that both Sam and Cam thought seemed vaguely familiar. That was when the gate activated and that giant telepathic creature walked thru and down the ramp several steps. Everyone winced moments later as a thought reverberated thru their heads.

'Give back my children or I shall bring down upon you wrath not seen since the dawn of time and the coming of the first apocalypse'

Cam gave Sam a look and then they both looked at Daniel.

"uh oops"

sam, sg1, cam

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