one lil word

Aug 14, 2007 02:56

another reposted fic

Title: One lil word
Rating: NC-17 (just a bit).
Pairing: Cam/Vala
Setting: Season Ten (I guess)
Disclaimer: wish I owned them I'm just renting them a bit

The thought ran through his head 'I'm asleep but not in my own bed' and he strained his ears to try and hear a clue as to where he was. At first nothing. Then a faint sound of breathing, slow deep and rhythmic. Someone was asleep. Cam needed to try and ascertain who it was and fast. Recent adventures had found him in the midst of some crazy ass stuff and while it was all fun when viewed in hindsight at the time it was freaksville to the max. A passionate kiss with Daniel Jackson, a day spent as the personal pet of some planetary queen who had wanted to keep him, and lets not forget the odd little planet that felt he was a God and tried to get him to break in this seasons batch of virgins. Oh Cam would never forget that one. All his wildest dreams had come true in a heartbeat and then he saw the smirks on the SG1 teams faces. Especially Vala. Her face had been a veritable closetful of expressions beginning at smirks and ending up somewhere near jealousy when she began to think over what the priest had asked of him. Mentally shaking his head he tried the ages old "move like you're still asleep" gig and then after a moments more listening, slowly cracked open one eye.

"Oh good you're awake, I wondered when you'd do that because I want to keep going over that alphabet thingy you promised me"

Vala's voice was soft and way too alert for her to have really been asleep just a few short minutes before. He sighed, faked out by her again. This was almost monotonous really she was finding all his silly weaknesses and exploiting them. Almost as if she was being told. His eyes opened fully in shock as the bolt of lightning hit him.

"He told you didn't he?" Cam watched her face flicker ever so slightly then she smiled.

"He who? You mean the great and incredibly sexy Cameron Mitchell swings both ways and isn't being honest with his new wife?"

Cam's jaw fell open and he gave Vala "the look". It was a devastating look normally but for some reason she seemed to be immune to it.

"WIFE??" He tried to roar that but it came out a squeak. She nodded vigorously and trailed a fingernail along the edge of his jaw gently.

"You mean you don't remember that priest? Telling us all that we were sinning in the eyes of his planets Gods and that each man should have a woman at his side. Somehow Daniel ended up with Samantha and you with me, though I think she was eyeing you a little funnily" She paused a moment, watching his face for reactions then continuing. "He was rather insistant telling you it was a matter of life and death for not only his people but the planet itself that all unmatched 'children' be matched and mated before their version of some holiday I was too confused to really follow". She seemed to be waiting for him to say something and Cam really had to struggle to get the words out coherantly.

"We're married? This isn't a joke?" His brain was definately bending on this one and Vala was looking just a triffle impatient as his mouth kept opening, but no sound came out.

"Yes we're married. You didn't want to have the trial period living together or the mating compatability check. You just said to him 'I want to marry her and that's all there is to it here and now'" Cam eyed her, Vala seemed so sure of this and it truly did NOT sound like him at all nope no way nada not Cam. But under the steely gaze she didn't wilt and it made him even more confused as she continued. "Mind you Daniel kept telling us both to wait for some reason, something about a mistranslated passage in a text or some such."

Cam almost leapt on that one. "He might have made a mistake that got us married? Where is he because I'm going to bend him in half and..." Vala grinned again.

"And what darling? Can I join in the fun? You ducked my question so cleverly before I wouldn't object truly I just want in on the fun." He groaned. Truth be told there had been a mating dance of sorts going on, both men were curious but neither wanted to make the first move so nothing ever happened. It was like admitting you jacked off it just wasn't the done thing. As he began to drift along the daydream path that was his way too hyperactive imagination he was brought back by Vala's voice again. "You know I think you're enjoying that thought." He almost wondered what she meant there til her hand on his hardening cock told him the whole story. Her fingertips trailing along it to stiffen it fully. Her breath on his ear. Cam was fast losing control of this situation if indeed he ever had control.

"STOP!!" His groan after hissing that one word proved it was a lie. She knew it and he knew it no way he wanted her to do anything other than what she was. "Oh God Vala."

"Oh you know you want this. Your cock deep inside me. My pussy. Or maybe you want to put me on all fours and fuck me up the " He covered her mouth with one hand a moment before she got the last word out.

"Vala I want you so badly it's burning and I can't stop it." In some dark recess of Cam's fevered mind he had the thought perhaps this wasn't a good idea but right now his cock had control and he had no choice but to run with it. Vala took this as being a good thing and began sliding the covers down, uncovering him more then slowly kissing down his stomach.

"Just this time I'm giving in and letting you have first funsies." The words hadn't even stopped sounding in his ears before she almost swallowed his cock whole, her mouth seemed to stretch and her throat expand to take the entirety of it within a single move. Cam almost lost it there and then. He'd been assured by a number of women he was no slouch sizewise and to find Vala could just inhale it was mindblowingly insanely fanfreakingtastic. Nothing else was going to make a dint in his mind. Not work not rules and regs, and, as he began to grunt and thrust towards her seconds from orgasm, not the two people standing in the doorway watching the event with some interest.

As Cameron Mitchell almost literally blew Vala's head off with the force of the explosion, Daniel turned to Sam slightly chargrined.

"I did tell you we should have come here the second I found that word wasn't 'sleep aid' but 'sex aid' but would you listen noooooo. Now we're never going to hear the end of this"

sg1, vala, cam

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