a little more of Cam (or less depending on your view)

Jul 21, 2007 02:38

He won't let me alone you know

and it's just so cracked

Five places nobody expected to find Cam's pants.

1. Carolyn Lam's desk drawer. The SGC had a bit of a game going by now and even Landry knew about it: seperate Cam from his pants whenever possible. Not that they did it often but it was entertaining when they did and the betting pool was just insane. Now soon after Dr Lam joined the people working at the mountain she heard of this "sport" and decided she had to be a part of it. No rush though Carolyn was a patient woman and sooner or later she knew he'd end up in her domain, helpless and unable to escape. Anyone else would never think her the type but there was a strong element of voyeur in her regarding Cameron Mitchell. So when Cam ended up in decontamination after an encounter with an alien plant, she eyed the change of clothes brought in for him and slid out the pants before absconding to her office and hiding them in the desk drawer. She'd been the last one to go near them but nobody had seen her so she felt safe enough. And as her office was right near the entrance of the infirmary she'd get a really good view as he left the area...pantless of course. The very loud "Oh you have got to be kidding" was almost enough to make her laugh and give it away but she held out til after he'd sprinted for his quarters.

2. On a flagpole. War games, to Cam anyway, were fun most of the time. This one would have been if not for the fact he'd lost his pants. Again. The rules had been simple, first team to reach the center of the square and get a signal going that the overseers could ID as a particular team, would win. All the way to the square Daniel and Sam had been arguing over jury rigged comm signals and smoke signals if they could get a fire going. It was Vala that had the bright idea though once she'd seen the flagpole and Cam had to admit it had worked. He just wished he wasn't so identifiable as the guy that lost his pants so often as he watched his pants flap in the breeze.

3. On Sam. "Unscheduled offworld activation." The voice echoed through the controlroom and General Landry looked out the window to see SG-1 exiting the portal, Vala in Teal's shirt and not much else, Daniel dressed as normal, Teal'c in pants and a T-shirt, Sam in her own shirt but Cam's pants. And bringing up the rear was Cam, pantless. The General sighed a little, he really couldn't wait to hear this one and as the team filed into the conference room he could hear the low level argument between them as to whose fault it was this time. Mind you with the grin on Sam's face he was willing to bet it was something to do with Sam.

4. In Cam's closet. Cam hadn't anticipated needing his dress uniform very much but with a special ceremony involving a little intergalactic medal pinning he'd been told to wear it. Sam had warned him about it with a week to spare and even offered to make sure it had been cleaned. Cam appreciated this, he just had too many silly little details Landry wanted covered before then and it wasn't even his place to sort them he thought. Come the morning of the ceremony, just an hour before things were meant to commence a bellow could be heard from Cam's quarters, "Ok who's stolen my PANTS?". Stopping in his open doorway, Sam stood and watched as Cam ranted around in socks boxers and his dress uniforms shirt, before crossing to the closet and hunting for about five seconds. There they were just where the laundry people had put them.

5. On Cam. Jack O'Neill had been back to SGC for various reasons a lot of late and hadn't heard the latest "Cam's pants" episode. He was looking forward to cornering someone to hear it because some of the previous ones had been real money winners. He hadn't anticipated being on hand for this new one though. Hours later SG-1 was standing around in no pants trying to explain to Landry how the small disused briefing room all but Cam had been found in had managed to flood to waist height with (thankfully) clean water. Jack turned to Cam with a look of curiousity and saw the younger man's smile. It was an honest one he thought, right up to the moment the private with the wrench asked him quietly if he had any idea why someone had disabled the valve overpressure alarm for the waterpipes that ran through the room towards the nearby locker room showers. Yep, Jack could understand payback.

5things, sg1, cam

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