Survey Says!

Jun 15, 2008 07:19

Snatched from gossymer...

01. How old are you? (don't have to be specific XD)

02. How long have you been reading H/D fics? (an estimate is fine)
Since August 2005

03. Are you still in the HP fandom? More specifically, do you still read H/D?
Yes and yes.

03b. If you answered no for the above, were there any particular reasons for the change? (OPTIONAL)

04. Would you consider yourself a shipper? Would H/D be your BIG ship in the HP fandom - or heck, even your OTP?
Yes, yes and triple yes!

05. Was it initially canon that got you interested in H/D (the moments in HBP for instance) or fanworks (a particularly good fanfic/fanart)?
It was actually fanfic that got me interested.

06. How do you celebrate your love of the H/D ship: reading, writing, drawing, reccing, RPGs, running comms, vidding etc.
I read and I write and I rec from time to time.

06b. Feel free to demonstrate with a drabble, sketch, rec or general H/D squee XD (OPTIONAL)

"Are you going to talk to me?"


"I didn't mean to do that to you."


"How many times must I say I'm sorry before you'll believe me?"


"Well say something, damn you!"


"Oh I get it...the silent treatment."




"All right, I give! You win!"

Draco smiled and looked at his boyfriend.

"That was all you had to say, Harry." Draco grinned, holding out his hand. Harry gently placed the pilfered Snitch in Draco's palm and leaned over their brooms to kiss him gently.

"Prat." Harry snorted as Draco's team mates whisked him off the field for their celebration.

From "Silence Is Not Gold"

07. What was the first H/D fic you read?
"Gold-Tinted Spectacles" by beren_writes

08. Is there a H/D fic that really got you into the ship? The first one that left an indelible mark on you?
See answer to #7...also includes "Allegiance and Sedition" by silentauror

09. Do you have any preferences with fanworks? Any particular cliches you love?
Nothing in particular comes to mind.

10. Are there any particular people you stalk *cough* I mean, fangirl? You know, in that way that could be described as creepy sometimes...just kidding XD But yeah, any particular people that leave you going "whoa"?
Hmmm...calanor, the_minx_17, enchanted_jae and alisanne.

11. Have you been to or are you planning on going to any HP conventions (Terminus for instance ^_^)

12. Do you have any particular models/actors/paintings/images that make you think OMG, HARRY|DRACO! Either through their appearance or/and personality.
When I picture Harry/Draco, I'm forever picturing the actors who portrayed them in the movies, Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton.

12b. I CAN HAS CRACK NAO? Do you have anything (links to fanworks, meta, comics etc.) that is cracky? Or just some hillarious HP spoofs? With a H/D twist? Quotes are fine too :) (OPTIONAL)

Title: Sweet November
Author: Lady B
Pairing: Harry/Draco (established)
Rating: PG13 for language
Word count: 100 words exactly...that's only the second time that's happened to me.
Summary: What a way to wake up
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and plots from the Harry Potterverse belong to JK Rowling and various publishing companies and movie studios. I am not making any money from this. I am simply doing this for the fun of it. Any plot devices and original characters belong to me alone and are simply a figment of my imagination.
Challenge: for GJ's we_ship_hd_here November prompt: a chill in the air.

The door quietly opened and a figure eased into the room.

The person sleeping in the bed was unaware of the danger slowly approaching.

One side of the duvet was lifted as hunter stared at prey.

A hand reached out slowly, waiting for the moment to attack.


And then...

"Draco Malfoy, I'm going to fucking kill you!" Harry shrieked as Draco's freezing cold hands jerked away from him, the blond running from the room. Draco's laughter echoed down the hall as Harry tried sorting himself out of his tangled sheets.

"I hate November." Harry grumbled as he flopped back.

memes & quizzes: harry potter

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