(no subject)

Oct 22, 2009 15:20

i had the strangest dreams last night...

the first i remember was something apocalyptic... i was here, in san francisco, though i couldn't tell you where... i was in a nice garden and i was with some people i've never seen before, but in my dream i felt uncomfortable... i felt like i'd been there before and that something bad was going to happen. then, all of our surroundings started spinning and shaking... and i said to this woman that was standing near me "is this what an earthquake feels like?" and she said "i... i..." but she looked afraid. suddenly, giant fireballs were flying towards us, the sky seemed to have giant holes in it, and we started to run...

next thing i remember, i'm in a swamp with my dad and stepmom and someone else... a black boy... and his mom and dad... and we were canoeing somewhere. we docked on a beach and decided to hike through the terrain... there were gators everywhere... as it turned out, a gator ate my dad, another attacked my stepmom, and this kid we were with, his mother was eaten too and his father disappeared. we assumed the worst. i went somewhere after, some building, and i saw my mother and told her my father and stepmom had died. she started crying. then for some reason i was back at the swamp and decided to get out of the woods and found a phone and called 911. they were able to recover and save everyone except that kid's mother.

the only other things i recall were, as the strange sequences progressed... i was some kind of political plant in some kind of weird german political uprising. i was being used as a pawn and i was apparently the favorite at the polls... but my nemesis, if you will, was this snide and purely evil woman who dressed quite extravagantly... she kept trying to find me in this strange arena where we were to have a debate... all i know is that i was running from her and when i stopped, i turned and took a picture with 4 sassy beautiful black girls... then from an outside perspective i saw that i was dressed like them... we were apparently in a photo shoot for promo shots for our new super-girl-group.

that's all i remember.

these dreams were so strangely realistic and vivid.

i guess that's what happens when you take two vicodin and a flexiril with some wine before bed.
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