(no subject)

Sep 21, 2009 17:13

4:36 PM Sean: http://edition.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/09/21/alzheimers.disease.report/
4:37 PM me: CURRY?
hahaha, so random
4:38 PM Sean: i have read that before.
4:40 PM me: i just LOL at the randomness. you think it's the coconut milk?
i mean, "curry" can mean a few things, no? in different cultures?
4:41 PM the sean and curry.
sea and cake/naan and curry
4:42 PM Sean: you know what is really weird? i was watching iron chef last night and the indian chef was cooking with kari leaves, but even he was calling them curry leaves and they said that curry powder is supposed to immitate the taste of the curry or 'kari' leaf.
4:43 PM me: hmmmmm... so this further begs the question... what exactly does "curry" mean?
x = curry
solve for x
Sean: yeeeeah....
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