twists and turns from NH on whether or not the Attorney General will be reappointed and how it will affect the Supreme Court appeal with quotes from my old boss Jennifer and old colleague Liza. (I know this is mostly only interesting to me and maybe a few other select readers, but it's my blog, right?)
Also, the NH House
passed the EC collaborative practice bill today 195-169, and it heads to the Governor for his signature. Very exciting for the women of NH! Even though I'm no longer there, I worked really hard on the bill last year and feel like I can claim some role in moving it along even if it didn't pass during my time there. This will make NH the seventh state to enact collaborative practice agreements for EC. Of course, I still can't believe the FDA hasn't approved Plan B for over-the-counter access yet. Or I can believe it, but it's just ridiculous.
Speaking of, Katha Pollitt has a particularly eloquent
column this week about EC and how anti-choicers are committed to making sure sex always has harmful consequences. I also love her
column from a few weeks ago suggesting that everyone should have to fill out a "values questionnaire" and live by results. Unfortunately, I think we're living the results of the Bush voters' values questionnaire right now, and it's already terrifying...