A Little Rant...

Apr 30, 2008 10:45

I was driving behind a dirty, beat up black truck this morning on my way to work. I note this because on the lower right hand corner of the back window, it had a "In Loving Memory" sticker...

This is my latest pet peeve...

I hate these stickers for a number of reasons...

1) What a way to show you love your deceased loved one by making your vehicle a rolling monument. I know I'd be super flattered if my family put up a memorial sticker on a thing that not only depreciates in value the moment they've bought it, but will either end up sold when it's is complete junk for *maybe* $3000, or end up on cinder blocks in the front yard...But I know that is just vanity. I'm not saying I want my memorial emblazoned on large solid gold thing lit up like Vegas in the summer, but at least not somethign that will become nearly worthless...At least, pick a vehicle that is a classic, maintains its value and has some sort of sentimental value.

2) By god! If you are going to put a memorial sticker on something that is a rolling money pit, at least feel obligated to up keep it! You kind of have to! It's now a tribute to your deceased love one! Fix the paint, the dents, replace the wheel covers, or get new rims or something! Nothing says "Eternally Devoted Love" like slapping a memorial sticker on a motley looking hunk of junk!

3) And for the more serious reason I dislike these stickers, you've now made yourself prey to every blood sucking scam artist out there who is more than happy to prey upon your grief. I rate this up there with the "family stickers" that I see on peoples minivans. Yeah they're cute and they show family togetherness (*squee!*) but you've just told every theif and catburglar in the county know how many people live in your house. You've also let every child molestor and kidnapper in the neighborhood know how many children you have and what sex they are so all they have to do is sit out and wait for an opportune time to come along and help themselves. I know this is a very paranoid and horrible way to think, but seriously...it happens. I remember my Human Sexualilty professor talking about a girl on our campus who had been raped because her license plate frame said, "I know you want to". Apparently, some one did. We don't think about how we open the doors to allow others to use our grief, love, etc to their advantage. It's a sad world that we have to actually become aware of such things, but...you do.

So there is my rant for today...

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