Jan 05, 2011 23:09
Today I gave you up.
It's cathartic really. After all, you're not the person I knew and I'm not the person you knew. We've changed, we've grown.
Today, I finally looked at your wedding pictures. Part of it was to get an idea for my own wedding maybe to try to outdo yours. Even though that's impossible. You're rich. You've always been rich. Always been floating in dough.
I work at a goddamn Dairy Queen and my fiance can barely pay his bills. How could we afford something as nice as yours? Sure my parents are giving me a little money, but only as much as they can afford.
Today I let the truth seep into me.
I looked over your pictures. Saw your head on hers, saw you kissing her, saw you smiling with her. Saw you without a shirt. As though reminding me of what I wanted. What I probably have in an alternate universe.
She's not a looker. No offense, but she's not. You seem happy though and that's what counts. But one picture made me wonder about the truth. Is it love? Or just what you think you should have?
What is love? Is it the way you look kissing your life partner? Is it the smile you had as you took those pictures with her? Or is it more? Is it something you can't explain, something that grows with time or something that appears out of nowhere?
Today I felt purging.
The feeling of Love I felt for you will always remain, locked away in my heart, in a place reserved for you and Xar. But those are a child's dreams. And it's time to grow up. So I let my desires be purged. It is long past time to let go.
Today I let you go.