Fic: Drinking with the Devil

Nov 09, 2008 20:25

Suzaku had never been a drinker. Not because, he could not hold is own against it; he was quite capable of downing a few glasses, and still being able to hold intelligent conversation, but because, he simply did not have a taste for it. Now this didn’t mean he had never indulged in the feeling of blissful intoxication, he just simply had on those occasions felt the need to be ‘drunk out of his mind’ as the phrase aptly stated, and did not care what he chose to do this with, it more often that not was something that worked fast. Sake always worked nicely.

Which was another reason he disliked Britannia, back home in Japan, everyone drank Sake, there was no such thing as a ‘man’s drink’ and a ‘Lady’s drink’ apparently wine’s and cocktails were, meant for the ladies, as Gino explained when he had asked why he was getting more strange glances than usual. He soon learnt, that the safest bet would be to order something ‘on the rocks’ or not at all, for it more forgivable an offence than drinking the wrong drink. Thus so far, he had managed to get through unscathed, that is until now.

He was seated in His Highness, Second Prince Schneizel’s chambers, staring at the elegant glass of blood colored liquid in his hand. This was now what, his forth? Glass? Bottle? he was not sure, what he was even more unsure of was what he was doing drinking wine, with a Prince in the middle of the night, or was it, with the position he was seated in he was unable to see any sort of time piece without making and obvious movement, which of course would be rude on his part, and equally stupid.

The evening had started out simply, he had retired to his room, after another long and exhausting day, when he had received summons form the prince to come see him immediately. Expecting something important he had wasted no time in obeying the order, however:

“Ah Suzaku” the usual acknowledgement,

“Your Highness summoned me?” he asks, panting form having practically run most of the way.

“I believe I did” replies the prince, now sounding amused, “And you can relax, nothing has happened” says Schneizel, reading Suzaku’s thoughts.

“Someone has sent me and assortment of wines; I thought it would be a shame to drink them by myself”

Suzaku stood there completely astonished and bewildered, slowly his eyes traveled from the prince seated behind his mahogany desk, to an open box in a corner near the desk. Wine?

Schneizel meanwhile, had left his desk all the while incredibly amused by Suzaku’s reaction. “Sit”

And Suzaku knew better than to question, and seated himself at the edge of a couch, while the prince stood over the box seemingly deciding which bottle to open.

“What do you think Suzaku, which shall we have first?” came the sudden question,

“Err …Erm …which ever your Highness prefers” he answers, not entirely sure, if it was the right thing to say or not, either way, he was no Connoisseur, heck he could even pronounce the word, along with some of the wines themselves.

“Oh?” that half amused half cunning half smile again, “Very well then”

Well they had by now, gone through, Burgundy Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc, something German, Merlot (which was from Bordeaux but tasted like it was form Tuscany). He remembered those, and didn’t bother with the rest. In fact, he couldn’t bring himself to be bothered with anything at that moment, not how strangely hot his uniform felt, or that his cheeks seemed to be unusually warm, or that he and Schneizel were not sitting closer than before, or anything that happened after that.

What did bother him, was the next morning, when he woke up, naked, in a bed he did not recognize, with Schneizel looking down at him. “I see you’re awake”

It was at that moment that Suzaku swore to never drink again.

I don't know what got into me really ...

And the 'something German' that Suzaku is talking about is wine made form Gewürztraminer grapes.

fic, code geass, suzaku, schneizel/suzaku

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