Fic: Aftermath 3: Redemption.

Oct 22, 2008 20:21

The sun had disappeared to the west, leaving a pinkish glow in the sky, and a cool breeze blowing, a chilly wind carrying the smell of death as it passed through the empty cemetery and flowed between the two Knights as they stood facing each other, in the darkening twilight.

Suzaku looked down at the mask, before looking up at Gino again, he swallowed,
 “Gino, I … I … I am Zero now …and …and I think you should forget about me” he said, like as if he was grasping for the words,

Gino would have been surprised had this been someone else, he had however come to expect this form Suzaku, not to say that he was not irritated, but the young man before him wouldn't be Suzaku if he did not continue to choose the part which he knew was the more miserable, it was just the way he was, and he had come to love this Suzaku.

“Really?” replied Gino, “And I suppose being Zero means you have no place in your life for anyone? Do you think you can live like that?”

“Lelouch did-“

“You're wrong and you know it, Lelouch always had someone, and he is not the point here”

“It’s what I have to do Gino-“

“Atonement for your sins I suppose, you know I don’t get it, the way you used to talk before, about Japan, I always though that once you had done your duty to your country, you would attain this redemption you were searching for, yet here you are-”

“It’s not that simple Gino, without Zero the peace we all worked so hard to achieve would-“

“So? Zero can be anyone. Why does it have to be you?”

“It just does”

Gino sighed, somewhere between frustration and pity, to date, Suzaku was the most difficult person he had met. As he gazed into those pretty green eyes that were now brimming with tears, he couldn’t help think, that Suzaku was the only person who could make him feel like hugging him and like banging his head against the nearest hard object at the same time, he suppressed the urge to laugh. Either way he was done talking; it was time to shift to plan B

Before Suzaku had time to react, Gino had closed the distance between them in one stride, put his arms around him and pressed his lips against his. The muffled gasp that turned into an involuntary morn, and the little blush that crept onto Suzaku’s cheeks when he pulled away, was too much for him to suppress a laugh anymore.

“You’re a hypocrite you know Suzaku, you say you want me to forget about you, but you really seemed to enjoy that”

A small frown appeared on the younger man’s brow, and he looked away, the blush still remained, but the tears seemed to have returned. Perhaps he went a bit too far.


“…” he only turned his gaze back to him.

“I believe that you deserve happiness, no matter what you think you still need to atone for. So I think you should just leave all of this behind”

Looking at Suzaku he could see excuses forming, could almost feel the ‘but’ coming. So he smiled and said.

“Just tell me you don’t love me, and I’ll leave you alone, and not tell anyone who you are. If you look me straight in the eye and say that, then I’ll never bother you again”

The sky faded from, a light pink to a dark purple and was steadily fading into black, the wind was still blowing, only this time it contained a deeper chill, and a few nocturnal insects began to chirp. Yet the two Knights stood, together, the taller one with his arms around the smaller, gazing intensely at him. And finally after what seemed like an eternity, the younger man, dropped the heavy mask he carried with him; releasing it’s weight in a way of releasing it’s pull on him, the responsibility and everything that came with it, and returned his partner’s embrace.

The masked hero disappeared, however the nations of the world believed that he would be back should the need ever arise again. The young Empress of Britannia, would take it upon herself to make sure that the world would remain the peaceful and gentle place her brother had created for her. Her biggest supporter was Empress Tianzi of China. Nonette Enneagram, was made the Knight of One. Lady Cornelia, set up the Euphemiah Memorial Orphanage and Euphemiah Memorial Hospital in the countries that had been affected by the F.L.E.I.J.A. warhead. The Japanese soon forgot their animosity towards the Britannians. And the Kururugi Shrine was once more up and running, tended to, but a young Britannian; who said he had fallen in love with the country, and who the public could only assume to be his wife.

I guess the romanitc in me won out it the end. Hope you'll enjoyed it!.

fic, code geass, suzaku

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