Jul 13, 2008 23:50
It really has been a pleasure knowing you all ....
Ok I'm going to stop the melodrama now, however tomorrow is pretty much one of the days that could open a door to new possiabilities, or put a stop to the future.
One where you know the inevitable is about to happen, yet there is a part of you like is blissfully in denial, and another that has calmly accepted fate, and is as ready for it as one can be.
so melodrama is hard to stop
Ahem ... so unless you didn't get it form the above ... I'm getting my second semester exam results tomorrow, and have evidently been reading too much of old English novels?
I leave you now, to go and ponder this thing that much consume this bubble of ignorant bliss that has been my existance for the past two months....
Ok, Ok, I goeth quietly now.