Dec 28, 2005 19:58
Okay, well, it's after Christmas, and a lot has happened since I last updated, so I figured it was time for a new entry.
First of all, a short section on school: I'm on winter vacation right now, and I start again in the second week of January. I'm really eager to get my classes over with so that I can go to graduate school, but I'm having difficulty adding the classes that I need for this quarter. I really wish that there weren't so many other students already enrolled in them... Well, there's always next quarter. I suppose I'll take classes in the summer to hasten up the arrival of my graduation.
On the most recent holiday, Christmas, I really had a good time. On Christmas Eve, I opened presents at midnight with my roommate, and then we went to a mutual friend's house to drink. We stayed there overnight, falling asleep around 4AM and waking up at 11 the next morning to return home. For the actual Christmas, I was at home with my roommate and we watched some movies, and then cooked and ate in the afternoon. I enjoyed my presents, and I was happy to buy so many presents this year for my friends. I'm really looking forward to celebrating Christmas from now on, seeing as I get to celebrate it the way I like it, and with the enthusiasm that my family had always lacked.
As usual, a lot of things have happened at work. Firstly, I was promoted about a month ago, so now yours truly is a shift manager at Taco Bell, which I'm very happy about, because I've been wanting this promotion for months, and I finally got it. I get more pay, more benefits, more hours, and more power. My next goal is to become assistant manager within the next six months. On the bad side of work, I was recently involved in a problem with another employee, and I'm still in the process of tying up loose ends on that matter. What happened between us, I don't wish to publicly say, but my friends are free to catch me on AIM and ask about it.
Some of you may or may not know this, but my birthday was last month, on the 18th. I had a good birthday this year, and I'm very pleased about that. Every year, I always await my birthday with dread, because I think that no one will remember, or I expect that I will celebrate it alone. This year, I was greeted with enthusiasm on my birthday, and I went out with a lot of my friends on separate occasions to celebrate, so it was like I celebrated my birthday more than once, which I admittedly enjoyed. :) I received a lot of nice presents too, and this year, I feel like I finally understand the importance of giving presents to people. This year, I tried really hard at Christmas to buy things that I knew my friends would like. Before, I kind of guessed and hoped for the best, but this year, I really tried hard, and I think that overall, my friends are pleased with what they got. I don't know about all of them yet though, because I still have two more to give to my friends tomorrow, but I'll find out then how I did.
On my personal life, I moved out of my dad's apartment on the first of this month. That's right, I now live on my own. Well, not completely on my own, because I do have a roommate, but I now fully and completely support myself. I pay all of my own bills and am responsible for buying whatever I need and lack for my new home. It feels a little scary not having anyone to rely on, but then again, it's kind of been this way my whole life, so it's not really any different from the way I lived before. I certainly enjoy the freedom, though, that I will eagerly admit. I love not having to conform to other people's rules; I like being able to come and go as I please; I adore inviting my friends over to my place and hanging out together for as long as we like. I need to throw a homecoming party one of these days...
Anyway, this is how my life has been as of late. I've been going online more often these days since school ended, so I hope that I'll be seeing my 'net friends more often. Last, I'll leave off with a meme that I am interested in filling out if you guys will ask me...
Tell me of a fandom you know that I know of and I'll tell you :
1. The first character I first fell in love with
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
3. The character everyone else loves that I don't
4. The character I love that everyone else hates
5. The character I used to love but don't any longer
6. The character I would shag anytime
7. The character I'd want to be like
8. The character I'd slap
9. A pairing that I love
10. A pairing that I despise