Back by popular demand

Nov 09, 2005 09:16

So, because Sarah Anderson mentioned that I never update my live journal anymore, I decided it was time for an update.

My film III project has been eating my life to the point that I haven't done any work for any of my classes all semester except for my midterm tests/projects. Meaning I am very behind in everything, especially my editing class. But I have a meeting on Friday that will hopefully take care of that to some degree.

My mother wants me to come visit this weekend because my Aunt and Grandmother will be up. Now, they will also be up for Thanksgiving so I don't feel bad that I can't go. But I really do want to go. Going to my parents' house kinda makes me leave everything stressful behind in Boston and I can just relax for a few days. Plus, I have practically no winter clothes. I was going to try going shopping this weekend at the Galleria, but I don't want to go by myself. Meg is going to visit her mother, and I don't know who else would want to go with me. It is performance fleece time again at Old Navy, and I need to get some new ones (had to get rid of my old ones because they were all too big).

Once I finish updating, I will read the news, which will be the first time since the semester started that I have had the opportunity to do so. I hear a nasty little bugger is new in the supreme court, so I need to catch up on that. I will also now have the opportunity to finish filling out my visa application, which should have been sent out by the end of October. I really need to get it done asap (which is another reason why it would be good for me to visit my parents). But I will work on it over the next few days. I need to request a police report from somewhere, so I have to figure out what the hell that means.

I hate those really long-winded updates that people do when they haven't updated in a long time (unless it is Christine), so I am going to stop here. I intended on talking about my film project, but just the thought of it stresses me out.

Oh, and I got to play Diablo II last night with my mother. I'm in hell now, so soon we can meet up with Peter and try to do that huge challenge thing.

done and done.
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