
Aug 25, 2005 00:52

I'm actually having a pretty good week so far. On Monday I went to Rock Bottom with Alex and Nick from work for some beers. We wound up getting seven 20oz beers and only paying about twenty bucks. Pretty decent deal, if you ask me!

Been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking on topics that I shouldn't be. Probably because I am incredibly nervous about this whole New Zealand thing. But I'm sure I'll get over it.

Not too much to report. I am just not quite ready to go to bed yet. Feeling kind of idle at the moment. Pretty happy though; I just managed to thwart two wireless internet thieves! So much for my wireless network being protected by my encryption key. I haven't checked on the status of my router for a while, and when I did, there were two other people connected! Thanks to Nick for the tip-off. I tried to update my firmware and had a minor panic attack when it crashed and I couldn't get my router to let me back on the internet. But all is well now, and those dirty little buggers won't be stealing MY internet anytime soon!

Oh, does anyone want some kitties? One of my mother's coworkers just got landed with a litter of black kittens. There are seven kittens, plus the mother (8 total) that need new homes, so I figured I would ask around and see if anyone was seriously interested. I'd take some myself, but I already have two. I don't want to turn into a cat lady quite yet, thank you very much.

All right. I need some sleep. G'night!

done and done.
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