Productive Weekend

May 28, 2008 12:25

We had a productive weekend around here.  Mike got the garden tilled and we got it planted.  We have tomoto's, green beans and a bunch of herbs.   We also got the squash patch made and planted and the ruhbarb area done too.  The flowers have all been planted in front of the house and in the pots in the sitting area.

Puppy wise I had 3 people say they are sending money orders for deposits on some of the younger puppies.  As of today no deposits yet.  I did have a lady come and pick up one of the 3 month old ones today and just had another call from a lady from columbus that if the small repair they have to do on there car doesnt take long they are going to head up and pick up the last 3 month old I have left.

I got some time in stitching also on guardian angel.  I hav the top half of her done except for the wings, the gold flecks in her dress and the 1 skin tone that peg nabbed from my chair and chewed up.  All in about 30 secs.  I had just pulled the color out.  Mike called me in the kitchen to show me something for just a few seconds came back and peg was happily chewing the heck out of my floss.  Of course that was one of the colors I only had 1 skien of.  And I refuse to make a special trip to the needlework shop for 1 skien of floss.  Yes the floss is more expensive at the needlework shop then at Pat Catans or JoAnn's but they are so far from here I would spend way more in gas then what I would save on the price.  I really wish Walmart wouldnt of stopped carrying it.  I have to return a couple books to the library in a couple days and the needlework shop is just up the road from there so finishing off the skin tones will have to wait till then.

It is amazing how much more aware I am of making unwasted trips since the price of gas has sky rocketed.  In the past I would of just hopped in the truck and gone to the shop and picked up the skien I needed.  But since both trucks are not gas efficient by any means I never go anywhere for just one stop somewhere unless it is absolutely necessary.  So I am hoping by the time the books are due back on friday I have the deposits for the puppies in hand.   So I can do the bank, library and needlework shop all in one shot.  They are all within about 1 mile of each other.  And then head to walmart for few things we could do with.  The gallon of milk is getting very low but I think I can make it last till friday. 
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