
Jun 18, 2013 17:36

I am and have always been a project starter, with dozens of novels, short stories, screenplays, computer games of various sorts, comics and even animations in various stages of development hanging around, but I very rarely finish anything. My goal is to finish a project before I find and start a job.

I do have a website running with a nominally weekly journal club (review and critique of a recent medical study) and progress notes for a pharmacy-based computer game. () The scope of the game is pretty huge, so I'd like to try finishing something shorter first.

My goal is to write and sell a short story by the end of July.

Here goes!

In unrelated news, found, after cleaning out my closet, a desiccated cockroach corpse about as large as some hamsters I've owned, so add that to the list of reasons I'm glad we are moving on Thursday.

via ljapp

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