Oct 09, 2006 22:26
No good Horrible bad Weekend
Alright... so there was some good in it... but alas...
Snicker's jacket was stolen out of Abby and Potter's tent.
My cell phone and keys were in the jacket. My credit card was on my keys.
Dumbasses were stupid enough to try and call my bank to change the pin number and use my cell phone. They couldn't change the pin number since they didn't have the correct information, but they did use my cell phone. My cell phone company is going to prosicute. I have to get a police report for my cell phone. Alltel has the numbers that they called. They sent a few text messages, but those can't be traced.
If anyone knows where my cell phone or keys happen to be... please let me know! I would hate for this to be a big mistake and my cell phone company file charges on one of my friends.
Oh... and if you want me to be able to call you! Send me a message with your phone number since I've lost all my numbers.