Sep 01, 2005 15:31
I had a great conversation with someone last night that has me thinking this morning. About myself, about how I treat myself and think about myself. I know I love myself. I can look in the mirror and really admire the woman that stares back at me. A little bit of ego and vanity is probably a good thing compared to where I used to be.
However, as much as I love myself, I don't think that my body reflects that love. I've managed to change (or at least acknowledge) a lot of the mental brow-beating that I had been doing. I've been able to take care of that. I haven't yet mastered the ability to truly respect my body. I ask so much of it, weight training, physically demanding work, exceedingly high stress levels and yet I feed it crap and don't exercise nearly enough. I wouldn't expect my car to go without proper maintenance for years, and yet here I am, expecting my body to take care of itself.
It's not even a matter of trying to attain an ideal body type because frankly what I consider to be an ideal body type (especially for me) is not necessarily the media concept. However, in being healthier and eating healthier I know that I would have a much nicer body. And being in better healthy would absolutely help me get through these coming months.
I feel inspired. I feel that I am embarking on a new adventure. The next step in the evolution of self, I suppose one could call it. As he told me last night, this is between me and myself and no one else. I think that me, myself, and I may finally be ready for this step.
Your support is very much appreciated. Thank you.