(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 16:43

in about 15 minutes I will be going to work.
I am exahausted. I finished the tub of lime sherbet in the freezer in an attempt to build up the sugar, but low and behold, it doesn't work. sherbet isn't the sugariest subsatnce on earth mind you, so now i have a stomach full of sherbet, a mind almost totally shut down, and I have to go TRAIN to show people where the fuck their theater is and how to fucking sweep the theater clean and how to brib someone to move over a seat!
jesus christ.
someone get me thirty pixie sticks and stat!
in the mean time, I have fallen in love with the show dharma and greg, and I'm not much of the series watcher(not that I will become one) but this show is so funny!
I got out of school early today because its report card day. We got out at like 11 and so Ive been here since 12 wainting for 5 to come around so I could complain about having to go to work.
its cold here.
6 to 9...lame. i hope they finish early again.
wow, someone just called and left a message that said "uh, I was just calling back about the house on 9th street, so call me back at..." I was like eh?
so yeh, I give up, time to get ready for work :(
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