Jan 05, 2010 00:15
I debated all day about whether or not to post this and I decided what the hell. it might piss people off but at this moment I don't care. I came to the realization that I hate people. oh I love my friends and family but other than that I hate people, they are mean, petty, and hurtful. I have watched people verbally and emotionally abuse other people that they say are there friends. I've watched as those friends become bitter and resentful and eventually spiteful towards those same people. I have watched friendships end in bitterness. but I have also seen complete strangers stop to help someone or even just give someone a kind word but more and more that is a rare occurence. I have held my tongue through some of it mostly just watching although I have put myself or been put in the middle of things. through the years I myself have become cold and bitter. I remember a time not so long ago that I actually liked people I even liked hanging out with people but somewhere along the lines I became one of those bitter hateful people, what the hell happened to the happy go lucky woman I used to be. I miss that woman, I want to be that woman again but I just don't know how to bring her back.