In love with...

Oct 28, 2003 22:44

Whee! I finally got my new layout up. For better or worse, I simply missed seeing the face of that red-headed sexy-man every time I wandered towards LJ.

Next on my list are putting Aniki-sama's layout into actual graphics, and dig out a layout for I can't wait to section off Anime Rain into the seperate sites it should have been in in the first place. Fanfiction ideas keep invading my mind, and I highly doubt I'll ever have the time to bring all these loverly visions to life. Some, though, are too amusing to pass up. I'll likely start breaking the story down into chapters soon.

The first 21 volumes of Rurouni Kenshin are arriving on my doorstep on Monday!! *squeals* I can't wait!!! We're also heading to San Diego this weekend; the cool air will be refreshing. I can't wait to (finally) dig out my leather jacket. It's been sitting in my poor closet for long enough, dangit! 'Course, there's always that key question every woman asks herself right before she heads to a party... "What on Earth am I going to wear??"

For now I'll be content to sit back and translate RK22 and attempt to make heads or tails of FLCL. God Kenshin is sexy. I wonder how much it would cost to trade places with Kaoru for a night... or a thousand... *dreamy sigh* Deary... and here I thought not watching Kenshin would decrease my addiction... but it's only increased tenfold. (Especially after I caved in and watched a few of my favourite episodes. ^^)

Yay Gravitation!

Get me a Kenshin clone. Now.
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