Apr 03, 2008 17:55
dammmmmmmmmmmmmmmnit. it seems that getting anyone to freaking work for you is impossible. the few home improvement chores we decided to 'outsource' have been next to impossible to get done in and sort of mother of god timely fashion. i am so freaking over it.
the door from lowes...................wont be installed till next wednesday, and one of us will have to take a day off of work to be here for them to do it!
that freaking squirrel i hired to do the grout in the shower has cancelled not once, not twice but 3 fffffffffffffffffffffffft times! 3 times. he is fired, obviously.
and i have hired a plumber for saturday.....not a big deal. picked em outta the phone book because they dont charge by the hour, they charge by the job........'that will be an $80 DIAGNOSTIC fee, plus parts, maam.' ok assholes......i only called you to come tighten the shit under our sink because we dont have the right tools to do it. fine. fuck you too! come on over. dont be late!!!!
i am currently searching for an all around handyman who can do all of those things in one afternoon. at this rate, i am about to unload $600 to 3 different people to do these chores for me. i would rather pay one person (hopefully less).
im so over it. i wish joe was 1) motivated! and 2) a fixer of all things. but he is not. and so here we are.
whats in my head,
home improvements,
fuck it