well might as well.

Oct 21, 2013 14:53

Since I had to look up when I worked at Big Boy's (man that's so long ago) I might as well update this. We now live in Rossford and there's so many problems with that since we moved. I quit my B and B job because it just wasn't worth driving all the way to Napoleon and back to pay for daycare for Vallerie. Half my check was gas and daycare. I got so sick of it. I worked for 6 years.. almost 7 and i felt like I have a life again. I can actually enjoy things like reading, crotcheting and just me time. Vallerie's in kindergarden now. It's so funny how much she has grown lately. Not just in size but she's beginning to understand more of feelings of other and consequences to her actions. She still has trouble listening to the teacher and keeping quiet. We had to get rid of Lily. We gave her to a friend of Dawn Comer's and I would think she's happy since she would have her own space and not have to worry about a dog. We just have Millie now. She follows me around everywhere like a kid. We still aren't married. We keep talking about it but it's hard to plan anything. I rather just get it done already. We've been engaged for so long that we are pratically married in so many ways more than some married people. Rob now has a full time job at Tranztec in Perrysburg. Sometimes it can be really stressful to him but I think he loves the fact that he's working with programming and learning more than he did in college. I'm still looking for a part time job. It's hard since I can only work from 9am-3pm since I have to go get Vallerie from school. In a lot of ways I REALLY don't want to work but I know we need the money especially since we have so much debt and Vallerie's birthday and Christmas isn't too far away. God my baby's going to be 6!!! So many other things have happened probably since I posted in here. I mostly just keep my facebook up to date about my life but I might as well put something in here. at least so I can read it 5 years later or something like the rest of these posts. Well back to life..

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