A while back I had a conversation with Celinra regarding Light from Death Note and Enjolras from Les Misérables and why they should never, ever be allowed to play together. From there things degraded into theorizing that Grantaire isn't a particularly ugly human but is, in fact, a rather attractive Shinigami, and Combeferre watches all of this
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And, I think it's 1823. And if that's right I will be amazed because I haven't looked at the timeline in years.
19th. ^_^ Though I'm not at all sure how effective a Death Note would be, given half the characters don't seem to have first names, and a good chunk of them are known only by aliases. >_>
Fangirls have ruined Eponine for a lot of people...I still like her, but I stick pretty solidly to book!Eppy, because her fangirls...urrrrrrrrrgh. There's a lot "OMG WHY DUN YOU LIEK LEA SHES SO PRETTY UR JELLUS" because they have this visualization of Eponine as some magical selfless heroine who's utterly beautiful and divine and awesome, instead of a pitiful jealous sneakything (which is what really made her such a neat character). And they bash poor Cosette like mad, and hate Marius...and they're as retarded as most of Snape's fangirls. .___.
...Lea actually was a Disney princess! ^_^ She was Mulan's singing voice, and I think she may've also been Jasmine's.
Yeah, that's where I knew her from. XD And I have this horrible habit of liking the people I've heard of, depsite what the character's actually supposed to sound like. (case in point: Sebastian Arcelus in Wicked)
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