So apparently I'm without computer at the moment, after realizing much too late that my driver recovery disk was not-so-good. And unfortunately I can't get online to run the HP scan and download whatever's missing, because one such driver was for the wifi. And attempting to burn the driver bundle to a disk on other computers and run it on the laptop accomplished very little. Chances are I'll be on the Internet very little until I either get the laptop fixed, or cave and buy a new one.
Lack of a laptop is especially irritating right now, because all of my Metalocalypse stuff was on the laptop, and while I have most of it backed up, it's going to make fangeeking out with people over the season finale somewhat tricky.
So here's a hastily thrown together entry for the last two episodes, because computer issues have made writing anything less-than-top priority, and my file for Breakupklok was lost to the void, but there's a season finale tomorrow and as people have pointed out, in last week's episode "shit went down." ...or maybe not so hastily thrown together, as I just remembered that there are Youtube files.
1 - 'Sup, Werner Herzog. What's that about serpents strangling those who luxuriate in the final feast?
2 - Is anyone really surprised by fans drowning trying to swim out to the Dethsub?
3 - Abigail has a last name like a Tribunal expert. Is that going to be relevant?
4 - ...THAT FUCKING CLOWN. Toki. Why.
5 - Murderface has been sleazing on Skwisgaar a lot lately. That is not Dadderface-appropriate behavior.
6 - "This is the most important dinner you will ever have." Okay, we've established things will go horribly awry this episode, then. Sorry, Charles.
7 - While the part of me that loves continuity finds Nathan forever seeking women for long-term relationships kind of adorable, the fact that mentioning Abigail in any long-term sense makes Pickles simmer with rage just makes her feel like even more of a plot-device.
8 - "The time to intervene is near." ...WHAT. Granted, that's still basically a "we wait," but WHAT.
9 - Murderface is wearing a suit. And Charles-glasses.. "People like us who take our jobs seriously" this Dethsiduals again?
10 - "I don't just play bass, I show up with an amazing attitude!" ...I'm just...going to leave that line here. And probably use it myself, later.
11 - Murderface is being awfully vocal about having been in the band longer than Toki. And is attempting suicide by hunger-strike. Of course no one's taking him seriously.
12 - Whoa, Charles actually looks nervous. Roy is making Charles nervous. But because it's Charles, one has to wonder if it's all business and worry over being dropped by the label, or if this is all tying into crazy ominous stuff that Charles has known since Renovationklok but hasn't gotten around to sharing with the audience yet.
13 - Charles is clasping his hands. It is worrying and adorable.
14 - There's a lot I could say about
this scene right here, but you'll have to excuse me while I squee myself into the sun. Or rather, I would be squeeing myself into the sun, but the fact that Charles is acting like a normal, harried, middle-aged businessman instead of a badass boss-posing ninja-lawyer has me unspeakably worried.
15 - Abigail is almost saving herself from "somebody's fan-character" status by being utterly disinterested in Nathan's advances. Almost. Though I guess it's not really "lack of interest" so much as "uncomfortable because she let things become unprofessional."
16 - Murderface is making up for all those calories he's not eating in wine. This won't end well.
17 - CLOWN. D:< Toki, why. And what happened to you? You're all scraped up? And, uh, wet. You're both looking rather...wet. In the pants regions.
18 -
Nervous!Charles, is fast becoming painful to watch. I'm suffering second-hand embarrassment for a cartoon character. And Rockso still calls him "the shoe salesman."
19 - Skwisgaar's awfully astute lately.
20 - "What're you gonna do, HIT ME?" ...oh, poor Charles. He needs brandy and a massage. Or at least a hug.
21 - Nathan. Nathan NO. You're like a big dumb clueless puppy. And I almost feel bad for Abigail, because that is fucking awkward.
22 - Pickles snapped. Pickles...just snapped. And called Nathan fat. And quit?!? I guess when you get right down to it, though, Nathan's got it pretty good compared to Pickles. Nathan has parents who love him, and he's still got all of his hair. And Pickles is still stinging over Nathan destroying the album. As somebody on Tumblr pointed out, "it's like Seth and the garage all over again, but instead of the garage, it was an album Pickles worked for months on, and instead of his douchebag older brother, it's his best friend."
And moving on to Breakupklok...
1 - "It ams a shames, I was really gettings used to dis gigs." At first I thought, "aww, sentimental Skwisgaar," but then Celinra pointed out that Skwisgaar's been in "basically EVERY band" before, and is well-aware of how often bands break up, and then it just got...really, really sad.
2 - ...and it's established that Nathan and Pickles pretty much run the band. Which leaves me wondering how Skwisgaar figures in, since it's always seemed to be a matter of Nathan and Skwisgaar and Pickles doing all of the creative work and sending Murderface and Toki away while the big kids are talking until they need them to record their parts which Skwisgaar re-records anyway.
3 - "I can't watch this." "Yet we cannot intervene. Things must unfold as they must." Okay, first of all, whoa whoa WHOA, Werner Herzog is an actual character? Not only that, a character Charles has interacted with? So does this mean every spooky prophetic line at the beginning of the epsiodes this season has been something that was said to Charles at some point, possibly while he was off being dead? Second of all, ow. Charles cares. Charles cares enough that watching the band break up is basically unbearable to him. Ow. Right in the feelings.
4 - Omg, Skwisgaar's face during Nathan's announcement of the band breaking up. He looks pissed. Skwis is the one who always looks boredly apathetic!
5 - Aaaaand fan-chaos. Good to know some things never change.
6 - "I left for my own reasons. The job was near completion and the circumstances stopped being professional." Yeah, that tends to happen when you shove the lead singer's face into your crotch. Just saying. And if Abigail's leaving, then she really does appear to have been written in as a plot-device to fuel band turmoil. It doesn't matter how empowered or of-color or in-touch-with-sexuality a character is, when said character is introduced to cause something and then leaves, that character is a plot-device. Granted, she's not dead (yet), so she could resurface later, but still.
7 - Murderface's plans for after Dethklok: running for Congress. Toki's plans for after Dethklok: becoming Murderface's intern. Apparently Toki didn't mind that sex-pouncing a few episodes back all that much.
8 - Nathan and producer Skwisgaar and engineer Dick Knubbler are teaming up for a new project? Wait, so Abigail left, and Knubbler's still the engineer?
9 - Pickles owns a vineyard. Omg. Didn't someone have that as their retired!Pickles headcanon way back in season one? "Vowing to make the most alcoholic wine ever." That's our Pickles.
10 - "I don't have a job anymore, goddammit!"...panicked Pickles isn't as worrisome as nervous!Charles, but that still made my heart hurt a little.
11 - Aw, lookit that, Toki kept in touch with Magnus, he found a friend at camp after all...OH WAIT THOSE ARE THE REVENGENCERS OH SHIT. Magnus confirmed as the inside man. Abigail was a red herring.
12 - "Grr I ams de gargoryles, sits on de papers, makes sures they don'ts blow away!" ...oh, Toki.
13 - "The gargoyle will schtill be there, and you can look at it after I tell you thisch important newsch." For some reason that's weirdly adorable to me. And Murderface has clearly not noticed that when you make a point of trying to prevent something from happening, that thing happens.
14 - Knubbler is still a snappy dresser.
15 - "It has to be more, but with less. Yeah." Oh, Nathan. Oh, Skwisgaar. ...drinks ...wait, where are they? There are fish (sharks? One of those definitely looks like a hammerhead shark) swimming in the background.
16 - Skwisgaar called them "ding-dongs." Just putting that out there.
17 - ...death metal scat-singing. I can't tell if it's hilarious, or if it just hurts. Quick, somebody drag up Tributeklok caps and see if any of those sessioneers look familiar. But Nathan needs no words to express his opinion. Smashed computers speak loud enough.
18 - Okay, 1) that's the tamest scandal ever, 2) continuity! Murderface really does jack off to pictures of himself, 3) of course things went wrong, and 4) what happened to his tattoos?
19 - Pickles vineyard-helper-guy seems familiar, but I can't place him. But untasted wine...vomiting will ensue. ...yep, there it is. And I just realized Nathan's the only member of the band who didn't attend Pickles's wine-tasting. Aw. :C
20 - "I wouldn't do it unless Nathan apologized to me, and he is...incapable of doing that." "You never know, Pickles...the last show he could turn around, looks at yous, and says a simples 'I am sorries.'" Gaaaaaah, my feelings, and hey Skwisgaar said "Pickles" instead of "Pickle."
21 - Falconback, sans Stampingston! Orlaag says the "prophecy has muddled," so apparently the band wasn't supposed to break up. Crozier wants to kill everyone, so apparently he's not totally brainwashed (or maybe it's wearing off?). Salacia has flat-out admitted that they need the band alive.
22 - "It is time for me to reveal myself...and show them my true power." ...shit just got real.
23 - Ganked from a Tumblr post: "I remember all those years ago-I remember getting a scratchy old demo from a bunch of young punks. I remember seeing the name ‘Dethklok’ scribbled on the demo in black marker… I remember tracking you down, and I remember signing you. I remember knowing deep in my heart, that this would be… the best work I’d end up doing in my life, and I was right-it was important-but here we are. And I don’t know why you’re doing this, I don’t care. You just have to know that you don’t have to end it… If you want to throw everything away, I can’t do anything about it. If you want to be a bunch of selfish sons o’bitches all I can do is watch you throw it all away. But… I want to thank you all for making my life better with your music. Goodbye…" Suddenly I'm beset with Roy-feels. And here's the thing: I heard rumors that someone in this episode was going to die, and spent all week fretting that it was going to be Charles or Pickles, even though the big money was on Abigail. I knew that sounded like a "dying soon" speech, but had totally forgotten at that point that somebody was going to die.
24 - ...they didn't put their makeup on for their final show. And the looks Nathan and Pickles are giving each other are digging little pointy things into my heart.
25 - Hello, Salacia, I'll be seeing you in my nightmares.
26 - "Salacia. God, it's beginning." What's beginning, Charles? We've got a season finale next week; are you going to tell us this season? But you're still a very attractive cartoon man when you're being all badass and commanderly.
27 - "Who is that?" "He's not from here." Charles knows things, and I have never been more terrified that he's going to be killed off.
28 - "Goodbye." Oh. Oh, Roy. D': Killed trying to usher the band to safety. And death by Salacia is no pretty thing. RIP, Roy.
29 - Charles is in Commander Offdensen-mode. I would appreciate this more if I weren't inching closer and closer to the televison and biting my fingertips. "We've got to get to the ocean." Plot? Is this related to the prophecy, or is more a matter of Salacia not being waterproof?
30 - Charles has an awesome leitmotif and I only hope it shows up on a CD at some point. And the Klokateers have upgraded him from "sir" to "master."
31 - "We will congregate. It is inevitable." ...yeah, Salacia is nightmare fuel. And Charles's expression over that line has me suddenly wondering if it's Charles and not Dethklok he's talking to, and I'm remembering that scene from the end of Doublebookedklok that was Charles-Salacia-dead!Charles-Salacia-Charles, and I'm worrying about terrifying fusions and Charles being possessed or absorbed and BRENDON WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?
32 - "Who was that man?" "His name is Mr. Salacia, but we call him 'the Half-Man.' It's time that I tell you everything. It's time that you learn about the Church of the Black Clock." ...and just like Renovationklok, the important dramatic conversation is all between Nathan and Charles.
...and now I'm going to gnaw my fingers and fret until tomorrow night, at which point I'll probably gnaw and fret until I learn if the series has been renewed. Or I'll be angsting.
In other news, I rescued a trapped catbird from the gazebo today, sewed up my armchair pillow, and watched The Mark of Zorro for the first time.