Books... NaNoLoMo #7

Nov 11, 2012 13:07

NaNoLoMo #7

Vale of stars by Sean O'Brien
Trade paperback, 360 pages: JournalStone, 2012.

This book was received as part of the LibraryThing Early Reviewer program. **No Spoilers**

A multi-generational tale of an Earth-origin colony ship with a repeated conflict between 'Us' and 'Them'; 'Norm' vs 'Mutant'; 'Have' vs 'Have-Not'.

100 years in deep space has exposed each ensuing generation to cosmic radiation and the potential genetic damage it causes. In preparation for landfall a dishonest Council member tries to compel the medical staff to abandon the care of the 'genetic defectives' using the rationale that upon landfall all medical resources will be needed for the productive colonists. Jene Halfner, the Chief of Medical Services refuses to do so and discovers the population of Ship is far more polarized and less egalitarian than she (and most other people) would have believed.

Her actions, and those of her descendants make you examine the dynamics of the colony population, the interaction with the planet itself, and the discovery of an indigenous life-form. The author presses the question of what is 'Normal'? Can Humanity actually live as one among equals or will there always be the conflict 'Us' vs 'Them'? Is social conflict 'Human Nature' or something else?

A well crafted Sci-Fi tale with a thinking philosophical twist, Vale of Stars can be fairly light reading, or you can allow it to raise fundamental questions about our very nature. Well Done!!

(****1/2 stars)

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colony, humanity, philosophical, scifi, nanolomo. fiction, space

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