Not something to poke a 'like' button on - because there's nothing to like about Domestic Violence. It is a strong PSA, though, and the message is important; Don't cover it up!
Remember, Domestic Abuse doesn't always leave marks on the outside, but it ALWAYS leaves marks on the inside. It happens to men, women, young, old and every possible combination between.
If you've ever (or never) been abused, consider: there's 100% chance that you know someone else who has been abused. The probability that you don't know anyone who's ever been *prosecuted* for it is almost as high. That victims are blamed starts at unfortunate and progresses past appalling. It's scary. It's dangerous. It shouldn't be shameful if you're the one being harmed. Don't. Cover. It. Up! This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.