Licorice. To go with the salty licorice coins I've been nibbling on -- which, to some degree, gets rid of the nasty tasting drugs.
Yes, indeed, today is an 'extra bonus drug day'. As far as I know all I did out of the ordinary yesterday was direct the woodmen to where they needed to stack firewood. I didn't lift, I didn't bend... but woke up this morning nearly unable to move. A certain amount of staggering and stumbling later I managed to seat myself in one of the 'comfy' chairs with a book. And meds. Bonus meds. I tried for a soak in the bath -- knowing that getting in and out of the hot tub would be a scary menace -- and failed. HelpyCat was happy to supervise, and even pat/paw at the water, but it never got close to hot. The water heater is another one of the things we're glad to have covered on the home warranty. It's pretty well done. Like 'stick a fork in it' done. Now to find our if we can pay the difference between a bigarse tank water heater (covered by warranty) to a instant / tankless (considered upgrade).
Meanwhile, back at the ranch... the woodlot boys are late. Again. This is looking to become an issue because L has a consult with an oral surgeon later this afternoon, and I'm not at all keen at leaving the guys to rack a couple of cords of wood *in the dark*. Let's just say the front yard isn't exactly obstacle-free. Further, it's pretty important that I accompany L to the oral surgeon appointment because it's primarily up to me to figure out the magic math on how we're going to pay for his mouth reconstruction. I'm guessing the total is going to be somewhere between $30 and $40 thousand dollars. No, it's not something that the VA will pay for. That's a long and twisted tale, but suffice to say we've spent years poking every possible resource and what was at one point a Sure Thing flaked out.
We'll manage. Somehow.
We always do.
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