holidays suck

Dec 14, 2005 13:57

You know i really hate holidays. I hate the concept of having to give materialistic people gifts just to keep myself in a good light...when i don't have the fucking money to do it with. Every year it seems that i have to forgo giving someone i really care about a nice present, just so that someone else won't be upset or think badly of me (like chris's family) Yes i like them, but things arn't all there is to life. I am just lucky i have friends and family that understands why they don't get presents from me. I am flat broke now for the rest of the month...I have no gifts for my parents or my sister...i only have one for my best friend. I am going out of town tomorrow with my singing group, and i'll have to go without eating alot while i'm gone cause i can't eat out with them and I can't really keep much food in my car because it will be full of other peoples' junk.
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