...still can't sleep

May 28, 2004 06:42

Ug...i'm still up...i slept last night at least.  Last night...oh wait i guess i mean the night before...never mind...either way i got a little sleep.  That night I went to bed early after staying up all night and that day...just to make sure i would sleep..i even worked my ass off cleaning and doing stuff around the apartment to make myself tired out..it worked and i went to bed at ten, and slept a whole 17 hours.  Last night though...couldn't sleep again.  It's so frustrating!  I had an ok day yesterday though, I bummed around and even started on my distance learning classes early (cause my teachers added me early and had stuff avaliable to work ok..it so awesome)...I felt somewhat accomplish...I also made chris dinner and brought it up to him at work.  I think he was happy I did :-)  so i was happy too.  Today I'm supposed to go to astroworld and have fun, I'm gonna try...just haven't slept so i know i'm gonna be tired again.  I get to go to MY home tonight too, which is extra nice...I miss my mom and my cat a bit and i will enjoy getting to see them, even though it's for a breif time.  I maybe going home again on sunday night...don't know yet though...be quite honest I do kinda want to spend a bit more time with chris before our school officailly start again...it just depends if i can intice chris to bring me home on tuesday night...it also depends on if he works too.  Bah! Oh well can't have everything in life...geeze...like sleep.  I looked at myself this morning in the mirror...I look extremely tired too...bags under my eyes and everything.  I think i'm gonna have to buy some sleeping pills or something...this can't keep going on!  If it does i'm gonna go more insane then i am already...and i don't think it will be the good kind either.  I know i've had my really mean moments because i'm sleep deprived...I know chris has notice...course he probably thinks it is my normal mood swings...but it really isn't.  I feel bad about it...he's so sweet to me, rarely ever gets mad at me...I'm such a bad person! *whimpers*  He asked me to go with him to Dallas on the weekend of my bday and I told him no...I donno why even..I just felt like being difficult.  I think I may change my answer...I know he wanted me to go very badly...and i want to make him happy again.  Sleeping pills...that will put me in better moods i think.  If fact I need to THINK before I answer things so meanly...I am so mean to the people i love.  It's seems that if someone is really close to me, my mind thinks it's ok to show the true meaness within...no good...no good...gotta change.  Man my post are no fun, no wonder people rarely comment to them.  I'll try to be more fun...or funny...or retarded...or something other than just listing my day's events and telling everyone how bad i feel or whatever...you know i should sit in a parked car and point hairdryers at random cars and see if they slow down...wouldn't that be fun??  Or maybe begin to have an unnatural fear of staplers! bahahaha! yes that is what i will do!  Or even better...I will pretend to be a little white laboritory mouse who want's only goal in life is to take over the world...now who want's to be pinky...wait i'll be picky...i think more like him....I need someone to be brain...so when i succeed in taking over the world i can give it to them as a present...and then they can ruin it and i'll do it all over again! yes that is what we shall do....
we're pinky and the brain, yes pinky and the brain, one is a genius, the others insane, their labrotory mice, whose genes have been spliced, their pinky, pinky and the brain brain brain brain brain brain brain brain brain....their pinky and the brain, yes pinky and the brain, their twilight campagn is easy to explain, to prove their mousey worth they'll over throw the earth, their pinky, pinky and the brain brain brain brain brain brain brain brain  narf!  Point....so brain what are we going to do tonight(maybe this is why i can't sleep huh? I'm too busy taking over the world! LOL)....
and this is why i need a brain (in both senses) one to say the next line (same thing we do every night pinky...try to take over the world!) and in the other sense so i don't (as meg would say) word vomit all these things.  ::sigh::  i'm tired now, but can't sleep..and shouldn't! grr.....any ideas anyone?  come on now...i've done my part by being entertaining....oh yeah...i might get to dye my hair tonight...any suggestions yet?  You have until tonight!  I'll check my email and live journal and xange and all right before i go out to buy the dye ok?  please! input!!!  Ok love you, bye bye
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