Feb 04, 2008 16:51
Amanda is getting married but i'm not invited to the wedding. At the exact same time Max is having some sort of celebration next door. I watch from the back of a building made of windows waiting to watch Amanda walk down the aile. She looks amazing like a modern Giesha, her face is white her hair up with black cheekbones and bright eyeshadow. I am waiting to see adam come down the aile when all of a sudden a women with red hair in a purple silly two piece suit comes dancing down the aile, swaying from side to side. I must say that i didn't expect Amanda to be marrying a woman but i am happy for her.
I go with Max on top of a parking lot and we go down. He has a gun that shoots out fog that blocks out any alarms. Were going to steal a car, the only car in the parking lot. He starts his fog machine and the parking garage starts filling up, it seems to be working when all of a sudden sirens go off!!
This was a strange dream....