Aug 30, 2006 12:20
My Renaissance Romance class as on the syllabus:
Clip from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, "Fear Itself"
Not only is this class going to be much more freaking awesome than I thought it would be from the material, not only is my professor obviously ridiculously smart (and funny, but that's besides the point) because she's an english professor at a university despite the fact that she is blind (and her seeing eye dog is really cute, I know, I'm a horrible person), but we're watching BUFFY! And, I don't even know how that particular episode is going to apply to the context it's in. I'm so excited! And, I just can't hide. I'm about to lose control, and I think I like it.
Ohh, and we're watching clips from Harry Potter! Ha! And discussing the care of Magical Creatures.