HA! I managed to make it before the usual week's passage. Be impressed! *lol* So, how do you like the new layout? *looks around* I got tired of the old one. Do the colors look okee? I've been piddling with them for about an hour now and finally gave up trying to make 'em fit better. Lemme know whatcha think. ;)
It's Saturday and I haven't had my nap and I'm a tired Pem. Oh well. Been doing a lot of artsy-type stuff, so maybe that's okay. Anyhow, I've uploaded some WPs to my PB account for you to peruse. It's unlikely that anyone has even glanced at my stuff at
Impossible Dreams, so I figured I'd put 'em here just in case anyone looked at this thing.
I'll have you know I'm so stuck on this Devlin Dragonclaw thing it's not even funny. I even went out and searched the whole city for the DVD of "Dungeons & Dragons". Would you believe I actually found it and bought it?! It's got an alternate ending which surprised me, too. And, deleted scenes as well as the wide-screen version. I spent last night watching it and capturing pics. You wouldn't believe how many. *lol* Thusly, I've been doing a bunch of WPs containing Justin Whalin. I swear, the boy is young enough to be my son, but he's got a lot going for him. Cute, funny, built, can handle a sword, and personally, I think he's a good actor.
Aaaaanywayyyy.......moving along now.........here's 5 WPs of Justin (playing my character, Devlin). I hope you like 'em. I had a lot of fun making them.
Devlin Dragonclaw
Devlin - In The Name of Love
(brushes - ShadowBrushes)
Devlin - Brute Force
(brushes - unknown "flora&foliage")
Devlin - Candle For Our Love
Devlin - Treasure
(brushes - unknown "text grunge swirls" & "vintage map illustrations")
Devlin - Prepare For War
(brushes - Soad2K)
Well, that's all I've got today. Probably be lots more in the coming days. Got lots of good screen-caps. *ahem* Thanx for dropping by and come again soon. *hugz f-list*
Devlin Dragonclaw